Friday, February 13, 2009

War On Crucifixes

And now the latest "controversy" brought to you by the ever-sensitive "politically-correct" crowd: Crucifixes in a Catholic school.
OMG! Crucifixes in a Catholic School? Perish the thought!
From Richard Weir at the Boston Herald:
Some Boston College professors and students are raising a holy ruckus over the Catholic school’s return to its religious roots by hanging crucifixes in all its classrooms, calling the move “offensive” and a break from the Jesuit tradition of tolerance. “There is no choice if you don’t think it’s appropriate. You can’t turn it around,” said biology professor Dan Kirschner, faculty adviser for BC’s chapter of Hillel, a Jewish student group. “I think it is being insensitive to the people of other faith traditions here.”
Amir Hoveyda, head of BC’s chemistry department, blasted the school in an e-mail to the Herald for “not being interested in an exchange with its faculty members.”
In an interview with the college newspaper, The Observer, which broke the story, Hoveyda described the crucifixes as “offensive” and the university’s actions as “anti-intellectual.”
“I can hardly imagine a more effective way to denigrate the faculty of an educational institution,” he is quoted as saying. “The insult is particularly scathing, since such symbols were installed without discussion . . . in a disturbingly surreptitious manner.”
BC spokesman Jack Dunn said college President Rev. William P. Leahy decided to install crucifixes in the university’s 151 classrooms as a means of reconnecting the school with its “Catholic mission.”
“As a Catholic university, we view the crucifix as a sacred symbol and its placement reflects our commitment to our religious heritage. We hope that those who do not share our faith tradition can respect our intentions,” he said.
Dunn said many BC classrooms and lecture halls already displayed crucifixes and religious icons, such as images of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. But over winter recess, crosses were put in some 40 rooms - including science labs - sparking the backlash.
The display of crucifixes - some of them hand-carved works brought back by students from volunteer missions overseas - is an outgrowth of the college’s Committee on Christian Art, formed in 2002 to promote Christian artworks on campus..
Patrick Reilly, head of The Cardinal Newman Society, said he was “thrilled” by the action of Boston College, which too often “seemed to shy away from any overt affiliation as Catholic.”
“Catholic colleges across the country will be grateful for Boston College’s taking such a clear stand in support of its Catholic identity,” he said.
Many students agreed.
“Boston College welcomes students, faculty and staff from all religious persuasions with welcome arms,” said senior Patrick Fouhy, 21. “But at the end of the day, we are still a Jesuit, Catholic university and that is a core part of our identity. Putting crucifixes up is a nice reminder of that.”
But sophomore Alex LoVerde, 20, believes a crucifix “pushes the Catholic religion” and does not belong in a classroom. “I think the Jesuit tradition is more of openness and tolerance,” LoVerde said. “I think that an overt display of crucifixes is not what the Jesuits would have had in mind.”
Message to Alex: If I wear a crucifix around my neck am I "pushing" Christianity on you? When we put an American flag in every classroom are we "pushing" America on you? If you don't like the display of crucifixes in a Catholic school (you knew it was Catholic when you enrolled) then go to a different school, Alex!


  1. More than 300 Jesuits gave their lives for the faith in the 20th century. I'm thinking they weren't holding a photo of Lucifer when they died for their faith. Poor Alex!

  2. You are so right, MJ!
    But,too many modern-day Jesuits have, unfortunately, fallen victim to creeping secularism. And BC, like many "Catholic" institutions became homgenized and lost its Catholic identity in the process.It was almost as if the school was apologizing for being Catholic.
    True faith requires constant vigilance. Now, BC is taking some baby steps to try to rediscover its identity. It's not easy to put the toothpaste back into the tube.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    The stupidity of our society know's no bounds. I wonder if these people realize how utterly dumb they come off to the world. This country would be a better place without people who whine and whine and whine. What would people of the greatest generation think about us today? No wonder my grandfather stays in the house all day long.

    Here's a thought. If World War 2 were to happen now, with the society we have today, however the weapons of that time, would the results have been the same??? Unfortunately I think not.
