Sunday, February 8, 2009

Philly's London Grill Treat

When we saw that London Grill in Philadelphia was serving a lobster or beef filet meal, with salad and dessert, for $18.95 we thought we'd check it out.
London in Philly's Art Museum (aka Fairmount) area advertises itself as "a place to kick-back outside of the grind of center city. To guzzle Willie Sutton Ale and sip fine wine. A place to bring your best friend or your mother-in-law, to woo a client or celebrate a boss, to enjoy fine dining, or a simple drink. A place where you naturally become a regular."
Well, we didn't bring out mother-in-law (horrors!) and we weren't wooing any clients but we did bring good friends and we had a wonderful time enjoying this "customer appreciation special."
We started with icy cold Belvedere martinis (just right!) then enjoyed small spoonfuls of crispy vegetables mixed with pomegranate. After that it we savored the fresh garden salad.
Entrees permitted us a choice of beef filet or lobster (as promised). The beef filet was served with potato and the lobtser tail and claw were served over pasta fra diablo. The pasta was tangy. The potatoes, sliced with a cheese coating were wonderful. Neither the filet nor lobster was huge but both were delicious. In fact, it was all more than enough.
Dessert? We had our choice of vanilla creme brulee or two fairly large peanut butter cookies sandwiched together with creamy peanut butter. We shared desserts and found that both were wonderful.
All that (excluding the libations, of course) for $18.95 per person.
And, get this: For an additional $10 the two of you can enjoy wine with your dinner.
BTW: The service was prompt and friendly and the ambiance cozy and comfortable.
Hurry on over to London (but check beforehand to make sure that the "customer appreciation" deal is still being offered).

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