Monday, February 2, 2009

Who Will Win In 2010?

Who will win the Congressional Elections in 2010? It's hard to believe but the 2010 contest is only 21 months away.
Will the Democrats retain power?
Will the Republicans come roaring back?
Or will it be a squeaker?
History says the President's party always looses seats in a midterm election following a victory. History also says the party in power witnesses erosion during these midterms.
But it doesn't always happen that way.
Democrats? Republicans? Stalemate?
You decide.
Vote in our latest poll at the top right of this page. Vote today!

1 comment:

  1. The Democrats have already screwed themselves with the economic stimulus package! I am pretty sure the Republicans will win a majority of seats, but we will have to work hard for them! I am ready for battle!

    GO GOP!
