Friday, March 13, 2009

Biden Drops 'F' Bomb

Vice President Joe Biden dropped the 'F' bomb today and he hobnobbed with his old Senate colleagues drumming up support for Amtrak.
At one point Biden was too close to an open mike when he cracked "Gimme a f---ing break!" It is not known exactly what he was referring to at the time but Biden appeared to be upset about people who don't favor subsidies for Amtrak, the passenger rail service.
The Vice President, who is know for his windiness, inappropriate comments, crassness and even plagiarism views himself as a "regular Joe" and he often attempts to take on the cloak of what he thinks are "ordinary guys."
According to Real Clear Politics Biden was in his element as he extolled the virtues of Amtrak and the need to not only continue subsidizing the debt-ridden rail service but to throw even more money onto the rails. One of the projects in the stimulus plan is a $21 million renovation of that station, and another $105 million will be spent on renovating Amtrak facilities nationwide. Also included: $82 million to fix damaged rail cars, $63 million to upgrade the electricity pathways, and $10.5 million for a new station in Sanford, Fla. Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla) was among those on hand thanking the veep for his role in securing the funds.
Once again Biden boasted about riding Amtrak to and from Washington almost daily when he served as the Senator from Delaware. And Regular Joe joked to his former colleagues that now they have no choice but to listen to him when he speaks.
To hear the audio of Biden dropping the 'F' bomb, click here.

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