Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bush Won't Knock Obama

From Rob Gillies of the Associated Press:
Former President George W. Bush says he won't criticize President Barack Obama because Obama "deserves my silence," and says he plans to write a book about the 12 toughest decisions he made in office. Bush's speech Tuesday at a luncheon in Calgary, Alberta was his first since leaving office.
He declined to comment about the Obama administration like former Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney said Sunday that Obama's decisions are threatening the nation's safety.
Bush says he doesn't know what he'll do in the long term but says he'll write a book that will let people determine what they would have done if their most important job was to protect the country.

President Bush is a class act.
And he is correct to hold off from any criticism just now.
Any former President should do the same; at least for a respectful period of time.
The rest of us operate under no such constraints, however. As ordinary citizens it is our right and duty to speak out (within bounds) when we deem appropriate.

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