Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cantor: 'O' Overextended

From Gateway Pundit:
As the economy continues to sink under the Democrat's radical tax and spend policies President Obama is instead focusing on nationalizing healthcare, creating an expensive cap and trade energy policy, and holding peace talks with the Taliban.Today House Minority Whip told Obama to deal with the economy and quit wasting his time and energy on his socialist agenda.The Hill reported:
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) seized on the opportunity to criticize
the president Tuesday for over-reaching in his first 50 days on the job.
Following the GOP's weekly conference meeting, the second-ranking House
Republican told reporters that President Obama should be focusing on the
"economic crisis," as opposed to holding four-hour meetings on healthcare, as
the president did last week. The efforts may be laudable, Cantor said, but the
White House should be devoting all resources to fixing the economy and not to
"impose these cap-and-trade schemes.""At the end of the day, we are in an
economic emergency. Economists are saying that there's a 30 percent likelihood
that we're going to be in a depression," Cantor said. "My goodness, we do have
an emergency, and we oughta say, look, priority No. 1 is to create jobs."

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