Tuesday, March 17, 2009

China: New Dinosaur Finds!

From Linda Young at All Headline News
Scientists have dug up a herd of more than 25 young bird-like dinosaurs that roamed the earth 90 million years ago in what is now China.
The almost complete skeletons of the plant-eaters dinosaurs were found in northern China's Gobi Desert. One of them was even stacked on top of the others that appeared to have gotten their legs stuck in what had been mud.
Scientists reportedly say that evidence suggests that the creatures got stuck after running into what appears to have been a mud sinkhole on the edge of a lake and then died together.
The two-legged ostrich-like dinosaurs, Sinornithomimus dongi, were found in what is one of the world's best preserved fossil sites. Even the contents of their stomachs had been preserved.
U.S. paleontologist Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago led the expedition that discovered the dinosaurs.

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