Thursday, March 19, 2009

Coach K: Fix Economy!

From Fox News:
Barack Obama picked North Carolina to defeat Louisville for the NCAA championship, a relatively safe selection for a trailblazing president.
Obama spent part of Tuesday making his tournament picks for ESPN, which posted his completed bracket online Wednesday and showed the First Fan filling it out with Andy Katz on the noon edition of "Sportscenter."
Of course, the president's choice drew a reaction from the Tar Heels' most intense rival.
"Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four, and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets," Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said from the Blue Devils' first-round site in Greensboro, N.C.

Trips to LA. Clowning with Jay Leno. Bracketing basketball choices. Chatting with ESPN.
President Obama seems to have time for everything BUT the economy these days!


  1. That's not even close to fair. As an aspiring PR pro with an outside of the box mentality, I'd encourage the president to use every venue to convey his message.
    Just a shot in the dark here, but I'll wager that some people in Leno's audience tonight don't really care to watch or read about politics, or the economy in general. And if we're all in this sinking boat together, I'd want my leader reaching out to those that would rather hold a funny cigarette than a newspaper tonight. We need them. He needs them.
    We need status updates, and I'd say that we could use a bit of levity after all that's been going on. Let's hope he uses this new stage to send out some positive messages. And let's hope he doesn't bring his teleprompter.

  2. Radu:
    Don't you think the press would have had a field day ridiculing Bush if he had spent his time bracketing Big Dance teams while he wasn't fumbling lines on a teleprompter to the point where he couldn't even introduce the Irish PM and get it right?
    Don't ya think?
    Ya think?

  3. This whole aura of superiority over any situation is going to come back and bite Obama. It's good to look cool in high school when your trying to get laid and it's even better to look cool in a debate, but at this time look like your trying to do something.

    As a PR Pro, at this moment in time, wouldn't you inform the President to make it look like he is doing anything and everything possible to fix this economy? Photo Campaigns of the President with his Economic Staff, Press Releases on Ideas and Legislation, updates on progress, these are the activities you would want the press publicizing. Not an hour television show on March Madness. And surly you would advise the President not to make a $500,000 book deal prior to taking office. That is just stupid. And as Mr. Cirucci said, "What would that asshole Olberman say if this was Bush?" Or, to stop using President Bush as an example, what would they say had this been Senator McCain?

    "I'd want my leader reaching out to those that would rather hold a funny cigarette than a newspaper tonight. We need them. He needs them."

    Just wondering as to why?? He needs them because they voted him in office, but why now?

  4. Oh and talk about the biggest sham I've experienced so far.

    The press had us believing that this man was a great, calm, cool and collected speaker.

    HA take away that teleprompter and he sounds like Elmer Fudd. Duh duh duh uh uh

    Okay that may have been below the belt, I apologize. lol

  5. Perception and context. Obama is not Bush. To most of the genersl public, he's a great orator. Granted, if it's within the scope of your motives to point out that he relies on a teleprompter, then by all means, keep pointing it out. But when people need info or a pick-me-up, the last thing they care about is whether the substance of what it said comes memorized by a Harvard mind, or from a teleprompter.
    Sean, we need to engage everyone, because you never know what dope-smoking hippie will find an ounce of inspiration from anyone in public office and go and get a job, or better yet, apply themselves and bring us the next great new technology or invention. And yes, he needs their vote. That's politics.
    I'm not one to compare Presidents, or the challenges they faced. But if we must, lets do it quantitatively: I'll keep a running count of vacation days. That's a good baseline.

  6. That Harvard mind isn't clicking at the moment. "Thank you President Obama."????..... Really???

    And I believe it is within my motives to point out any falsehood or perpetuated myth that, oh no here it goes, I tried not to say this but... is shoved in my face by the drive-by media. Damn, did I just lose credibility by saying that? But the messiah can't speak can he? I wonder if the teleprompter is needed for a toast at the White House table? Nah, probably not, I but Robert Gibbs just stutters a few lines into his ear.

    Haha and that vacation day count is a good move. I can respect that.

    I'll keep a running tab of who spends more of our money! lol

    And don't disrespect the dope-smoking hippies by implying that they watch that garbage that is Late Night with Jay Leno. I think they're more in with the Letterman crowd. After all, Dave is a big fan of Warren Zevon you know. And we all know hippies can't get enough of Warren Zevon.

    I must go. Have a good day gentleman.
