Thursday, March 5, 2009

Corzine Legacy: Jobs Lost

New Jersey State Senator Marcia Karrow, R-Warren and Hunterdon, issued the following statement after the New Jersey Department of Labor reported that the state’s unemployment rate, already higher than neighboring states, surged to 7.3 percent in January from 7.1 percent in December. In addition, the department updated its figures to show that the state lost 22,700 more jobs in December than it earlier reported:
“Governor Corzine’s legacy will be unemployment and economic stagnation. While governors from other states steal our employers, Jon Corzine continues to severely short-change economic development efforts and shackle business with taxes and nuisance regulation. As a result, New Jersey was hemorrhaging private-sector jobs years before the current economic crisis. Incredibly, media reports indicate that the governor is again planning new tax hikes and budget gimmicks that will only drive more jobs and entrepreneurs from this state.”
The Department of Labor reported that the state lost 86,700 jobs in December, up from an earlier report that said employers eliminated 63,000 jobs. The financial sector cut 13,100 jobs in December while construction companies eliminated 14,600 workers, the Labor Department reported. Government employment grew by 3,000 workers, primarily hires by local government.

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