Sunday, March 1, 2009

Coulter Strikes Again!

Some lively quotes from the redoubtable Ann Coulter delivered at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee confab sponsored by the American Conservative Union:

“I’ve been watching the MSNBC coverage of CPAC. Is there any other network where you know every host was at the alternative prom?”

“The media compared Obama to Jesus. I lost a bet. They do know who Jesus is. But as the leader of twelve apostles, even Jesus had more executive experience than Obama.”

“Obama voted present over 100 times. The only time he wasn’t present was when Rev. Wright gave one of those hate filled speeches.”

“The press called Lincoln a baboon. If only Al Sharpton had been around, Lincoln would have known he was a victim of racism.”

“The one thing the press knows about Lincoln is that he put rivals on his cabinet. I’m not sure buying Clinton’s cabinet at fire sale prices is the same thing.”

“Obama’s basic message . . . was bringing people together. I’ve heard that speech since I was about nine years old. Even Richard Nixon . . . gave a speech in 1968 saying he saw a little girl holding a sign that read ‘bring us together again.’”

“If Obama thinks the people really want change, wait till 2012.”

“Obama has the entire media, the European Union, and Oprah on his side. A poll in Germany said 80% of Germans liked Obama over McCain and we all know how infallible Germans are at picking leaders.”

“It’s amazing the media keeps comparing Obama to Lincoln and Reagan. The press apparently can’t think of a Democrat worthy enough to compare him to.”


  1. re-doubt-a-ble   /rɪˈdaʊtəbəl/ –adjective 1. that is to be feared; formidable.
    2. commanding or evoking respect, reverence, or the like.

  2. I did have to look it up. I just don't know that Ms. Coulter is either formidable or something to be feared.
    I guess she's the conservative answer to Al Franken. In that respect, I assume that she has to appeal to a certain part of the personality that I don't put much stock into.
    Be safe tomorrow; I'll be putting miles on my sled, but I know you don't much like snow.
