Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dead Wrestler's 'My Space'

Andrew "Test" Martin, a former WWE wrestler, was found dead in his Tampa, Fla. apartment late Friday night. Neighbors called police after seeing the 33-year-old motionless over a span of several hours.
The cause of death wasn't immediately known, but police said foul play isn't suspected. An autopsy will be performed.
As if this story isn't weird enough, get this: Martin's last posting (March 10) is still up on his My Space page and people have been going to the page and telling the young werstler how sorry they are that he died. They're leaving messages for Martin as if he's still there and the page has turned into a sort of ongoing pop memorial with creep comments such as: "Holy Shit.I know this is weird but I'm sorry for your death. This was a shock, I can't believe it's true..."
You can visit the page by clicking here.

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