Wednesday, March 18, 2009

GOP Leader: Can Geithner

From Glenn Thrush at Politico:
Rep. Connie Mack IV (R-Fla.) is the first member (we think) to call for Tim Geithner's head.
Bear in mind that many Republicans, including Mack, have been sour on the Treasury Secretary from jump and 34 Senators, including Mack's fellow Florida Republican Mel Martinez, voted against Geithner's confirmation.
Mack's press release:
Well before Timothy Geithner became Secretary of the Treasury, he was
working hand-in-hand with AIG and other financial institutions to provide them
hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money as one of the key architects
of the financial sector bailout. I was outspoken against the bailouts then, and
I’m even more outraged now.“I’ve had serious concerns about Secretary Geithner
from the moment he was nominated. In the months since, he has shown us time and
again why he was the wrong choice for this critical post.“This week’s news on
the AIG bonus scandal is but the latest fiasco under his watch and he has lost
the confidence of the American people.“Quite simply, the Timothy Geithner
experience has been a disaster. The Treasury Department is in disarray. Taxpayer
dollars are being wasted. America’s economy hangs in the balance. America needs
and deserves a Treasury Secretary who can truly lead us forward.“Timothy
Geithner should either resign or be fired for the good of the country, and
President Obama should nominate a new Treasury Secretary with the experience and
leadership skills America deserves.”

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