Friday, March 20, 2009

Iraq Success Bodes Well!

The US combat deaths in Iraq at 6 year low. USA Today reported:
U.S. combat deaths in Iraq have flattened at the lowest level since the war began six years ago Thursday, and the Navy has not lost a member to combat in more than a year.Three Marines have been killed in combat since August, and none since December, records show. The Air Force hasn't had a combat death since April, and the Navy since February 2008. In some weeks, casualty figures for Iraq show, the number of non-combat deaths for U.S. troops topped those killed in fighting.
Thank you, President Bush!
The war that Harry Reid declared "lost" has indeed been won.
The surge that Obama said would never worked has succeeded.
The democracy that liberals said would never take is growing stronger each day.
Today, 65% of Iraqis say things are going well in their lives and more than 60% say they now feel safe in their communities.
Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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