Sunday, March 15, 2009

Julia Roberts Is Baaaack!

Julia Roberts is one of the world's sexiest, most attractive, most vivacious women
One smile from her has enough power to light up the sky. And she's a damned good actress as well.
Yeah, I know she seems a bit kooky.
In the New York Daily News Patrick Hugueinn reports: Julia Roberts raised eyebrows last week when she told reporters, “Everybody’s talking about ‘Oh, this is her comeback,’ and ‘Ooh, she’s 41 and she’s working and not a lot of girls in their 40s are working.’ ... Well, I’m baaaa-aaaack!” . . .
Her family splits its time between a New York apartment, a ranch in Taos, N.M. and a solar-powered house in Malibu, where Roberts has planted an organic garden.
She's a typical Hollywood environut, I suppose -- keeping three houses while growing organic foods and trying to go solar. Who knows, she probably also rides around in a private jet and owns a Mercedes or two.
But she doesn't seem to inflict her views on others. She not preachy; she appears to be a good wife and mother and she does seem to enjoy her life. In fact, she's never been an attention whore.
Now, Julia is back in a new movie and she brings true star power with her.
Again, from Hugueinn:
The superstar hits multiplexes again this Friday in “Duplicity,” a romantic spy film from “Michael Clayton” director Tony Gilroy. It’s a sexy, mature thriller, and Roberts is at her best: clever, cleavagey, cool.
It’s her first truly lead role since 2004’s “Closer” and reunites her with her costar from that film,
Clive Owen. . . .
This is the bombshell Julia — the one with red hair flowing and a Cinemascope smile — who hasn’t gotten a chance to strut her stuff since “America’s Sweethearts” in 2001. And it’s only the beginning of her next chapter. She’s already talking up her starring role in the upcoming adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert’s best-selling memoir, “Eat, Pray, Love.”
It’s a welcome reentrance for fans who’ve missed her, for those who wondered for the past few years if Roberts would ever return to the spotlight.
Indeed it is!
It's hard not to like Julia Roberts: those sleek, sexy eyes; that flowing hair; that megawatt smile and all the rest of her.
We're glad she's baaaack!

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