Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kutcher: Harvey Taught Me

Actor Ashton Kutcher has posted a tribute to Paul Harvey on his My Space blog:
Today I celebrate the life and mourn the lost of one of our greatest story tellers. Paul Harvey enriched my life through his gifted voice and ability to deliver a tale with the most unsuspecting ending I'd ever heard.
He made me want to buy a Bose wave radio a trempropedic mattress and anything else he was asked to move to support his story telling platform. He made the countless hours of driving back and forth the my grandparents house on sunday morning bearable.
I would sit in the back seat of the car choking on my parents cigarette smoke hanging on to his every last word. He had an personal interest to every story but there was always a wink as if he himself didn't know the ending. Occasionally he would hint a little smile. It was like he was watching your reaction and knew that he had you hooked. I always felt like he was the smartest wittiest person in the car.
He would take you on a roller coaster of peaks and valleys as we drove it felt like he had choreographed it to the road we traveled. And in the end we were allowed to find out "the rest of the story" which we never saw coming.
Thank you Paul for teaching me how to tell a story.
And thank you, Ashton for sharing. It's nice to know that someone in Hollywood has common sense enough to recognize a great American.

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