Tuesday, March 3, 2009

'O' Chills As Capitalism Burns

Have you noticed?
We seem to be drifting further and further back in time.
With each new Obamian plunge in the stock market the years peel off the calendar.
2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 . . . they're all gone.
And you can forget agout '04, '03, '02 and 01, also.
All of the gains made in those years are gone.
In fact, we've drifted all the way back to 1997 - the Clinton Era. Our money is so devalued and our nest eggs so depleted that we've lost 14 years of savings and growth in a wink - 14 years of progress.
At the rate we're going, it seems inevitable that we will drift back into the Carter Era (forget the Regan era, you can skip that as it seems destined never to return!).
Many people (including Dick Morris) predicted that we would suffer such a decline once Obama was elected.
It's been four long months since Obama's election now and it's been all downhill. We've dropped years and years in four months - and the pace of decline seems to be quickening!
Still, Obama seems unfazed. When it somes to any ideas other than his own, his legendary "cool" has turned to a frigid detachment characterized by disinterest in anything that does not advance his plan for redistribution of the wealth. He appears to have turned as cold and seemingly calculating as the frigid weather here in the east.
And meanwhile, we sink lower and lower into the economic depths.
Where will it end?
Where will it end?

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