Thursday, March 5, 2009

Obama Critic List Grows

The number of Obama critics grows by the hour if not the minute.
Obama "conservative converts" Chritopher Buckley and David Brooks have already largely rescinded their previous support for the President and have begun to separate themselves from his policies. Most recently, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd began to part ways with Obama.
In the Congress, prominent Democrats (including Senators Russ Feingold and Evan Bayh) have jumped ship on the Obama spending plan. And Bayh and Feingold are joined by more than a dozen Democrat House members.
In fact, Obama proposed (and bloated) budget is now in jeopardy.
And there's more. Here's the latest from the Los Angeles Times:
First Limbaugh, then Santelli, now Cramer: Is Obama White House empowering its critics?
Now comes Jim Cramer, of CNBC's "Mad Money," blasting the White House for wanting to rob Wall Street to pay Main Street. Cramer:

In slow motion, I felt the total lack of control that we all feel right now --
the ‘it’s out of my hands,’ the ‘where’s the authority,’ the, ‘Hey, it’s amateur
hour at our darkest moment.’ It’s the feeling of capitalism vanishing,
businesses capsizing under their own weight -- thanks to an administration that
doesn’t seem to know or maybe doesn’t care.

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