Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama Dismisses Market Plunge

President Obama doesn't seem to care much about the stock market.
Yesterday he compared the market to political polls, claiming the marking "bobs up and down from one day to the next." But the political campaign is over. Last I checked, Obama is President now. He's in charge.
And, in truth, the stock market and politics don't have all that much in common.
Lately the market has simply been going down -- not "bobbing up and down."
In fact, since Obama was elected the market has lost three trillion dollars in value.
That ain't politics, Mr. President. That's real money. And these are real lives that are hanging in the balance.
This ain't no game, Mr. President. This is life.
And since you said you'd be on the case from "day one," we're holding you accountable from day one.
So, start sloughing off the market and start paying attention. Now.

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to disagree with the assertion that markets and politics are not similar. To me, they are both driven by the same forces.
    Markets react to perceptions, as do voters. Voters and markets also react according to perceived rules one day, but can just as easily surprise you the next. Politicking allows for manipulation; so do the markets.
    We may all be suffering from the Warren Harding dilemma; but so is our economy. And if presidents can get elected based on looks and not much else, then our economy can rebound based on the same principle.
    Let the markets whither for a bit; lets just hope Obama is working on a great PR campaign designed to make everything look ok. That'll just about get us out of this.
