Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama LA Trip: FIASCO!

There is a word for President Obama's LA Excursion.
And the word is f-i-a-s-c-o!
It's actually a very melodic word - so melodic that it proved to be the title (and subject) for an Alan Jay Lerner/Andre Previn song in the little-known Braodway musical Coco, based on the life of the legendary Coco Chanel.
A fiasco is defined as "a complete and ignominious failure."
And it is even better defined by a perfect four-letter word: FLOP!
Obama's trip was a flop, pure and simple.

He compared AIG execs to suicide bombers and then dissed the presidency and the Special Olympics in one fell swoop.
Barely 50 days into the journey the guy needs a smoke, a break, some green tea and arugula and a massage.
He's flummoxed!

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