Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama's Destructive Path

From Doug Ross at directorblue:
Consider that, in the teeth of a devastating recession, Obama has:
• Raised taxes on small businesses, the engines of entrepreneurship and job growth
• Raised the capital gains tax
• Lied about "tax cuts for 95% of Americans", offering instead $13 a week, achieved not through tax cuts, but by changing the federal withholding tables!
• Destroyed charitable giving by axing the tax breaks for 26% of all giving (or $81 billion in 2006)
• Proposed a carbon cap-and-trading scheme designed to punish oil companies and further tax consumers.
Why would Obama inflict these destructive policies while the economy is collapsing? . . .
The only plausible explanation is that Obama's destruction of the economy is intentional.It is based on a failed ideology that has never -- and can never -- succeed.And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Jim Cramer is a long-time investor who's been around the block a few times. He thinks the Obama agenda is crystal clear, stating "...their agenda is destroying the life savings of millions of Americans... we've elected a Leninist."Cramer went on to say that President Obama has caused "the greatest wealth destruction I have seen by a president."So he's got that going for him.Cramer calls it an "assault on the economy" by the President and his cohorts.

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