Monday, March 16, 2009

Pew: Obama Support Ebbs

From Steve Thomma at McCatchey newspapers:
A new poll by the independent Pew Research Center for the People & the Press has found that President Barack Obama's popular support is eroding, with his approval rating dropping below 60 percent.
"President Barack Obama's approval rating has slipped, as a growing number of Americans see him listening more to his party's liberals than to its moderates, and many voice opposition to some of his key economic proposals," the Pew Center concluded.
Its new survey finds Obama's approval rating falling to 59 percent from 64 percent in February. It also finds the ranks of Americans who disapprove of the president's job performance rising, to 26 percent from 17 percent.
Among those who registered a jump in disapproval were Republicans, up 15 percentage points, and independents, up 13 points, Pew found.
The survey was taken among 1,308 adults last Monday through Thursday and has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
One reason for the erosion of support could be that a plurality sees Obama aligned more with the liberal wing of his party as he pushes an agenda that calls for broad increases in government spending and taxes.
Pew found that Americans think by 44 percent to 30 percent that the president listens more to liberals than to moderates in his party. The sentiment was a mirror image of what it was in January, when 44 percent thought he listened more to moderates and 34 percent thought he listened more to liberals. . . .

The Pew poll is the latest finding that the president has lost some support as he's started to flesh out his governing agenda.
The sentiment continues to grow (especially among independent minded voters) that Obama is in over is head, is overextended, is too liberal and is ineffective.

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