Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Psychic Foresees Upturn

Noted psychic Valerie Morrison was on the radio this morning and she's predicting the beginning of an economic upturn at the end of this year. Morrison also says that the real estate market will begin to turn upward again in the fall. "If you have a home that you want to sell, see if you can hold on till the fall," Morrison says. "That's when things will get better."
Morrison seems to be in sync with Federal Reserve Chair Bernancke who also feels the turn will begin to show near the end of the year.
Who know, maybe Morrison has consulted Bernanke.
Or -- maybe Benanke's been consulting Morrison!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see a bit of optimism every so often!
    I was looking over my blog, and I've been nothing but dreary for the past few months. That's probably why I've been reading so much; trying to escape the negativity.
    I'm going to try to stay upbeat for the next few weeks; to take the edge off of the cynicism.
