Sunday, March 8, 2009

Powell Turning On Obama?

Well, President Obama -- you cultivated the favor of the Great Colin Powell for two years or more. You bent over backwards to gain the approval of The General. Like a good poker player Powell played the role of a Sphinx. Because he knew you needed him, he squeezed every drop out of it. He hemmed and hawed and made you wait and wait and wait till he extended his hand and allowed you to kiss his ring. And when he finally favored you he demanded that you announce it like the Second Coming. On all counts, you complied.
And now that you're finally in the White House and up to your keister in doggy doo, here -- from Britain's Sunday Telegraph -- is the thanks you get from Powell:

One of Mr Obama's most prominent African American backers, whose endorsement he spent two years cultivating, has told friends that he detects a weakness in Mr Obama's character.
"The one real serious flaw I see in Barack Obama is that he thinks he can manage all this," the well-known figure told a Washington official, who spoke to this newspaper. "He's underestimating the flood of things that will hit his desk."

Welcome to Washington, Mr. President!

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