Monday, March 16, 2009

Three New Podcasts!

I've just conducted three new podcast interviews as part of the "Hot Interviews With Very Cool People" series for the Philadelphia Bar Association.
In one, Renowned Philadelphia Museum of Art curator Joe Rishel talks about the Museum's big, new "Cezanne and Beyond" exhibit, the role of Cezanne in the birth of modern art and Cezanne's enduring influence into the 21st century.
In another, Philadelphia Common Pleas Court President Judge Pamela Dembe discusses the challenges now facing the courts as well as what led her to her present position and her plans for the future.
Plus, in a candid discussion focusing on "the rest of your life" Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor Sayde Ladov talks about her many interests beyond the practice of law and stresses the need for balance in your life.
You can also listen to Marlene Olshan, chief executive officer of Big Brothers Big Sisters Southeastern Pennsylvania, and Shanin Specter, an attorney and Big Brother, on how to get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters.
To link to any of these podcasts click here and then choose the podcasts.
Go, listen!
And BTW: Thanks to the Philadelphia Bar Association for its continuing support of this podcast series.


  1. Darn! I thought I was one of the three.

  2. Well now, if you were one of the people that I interviewed don't you think you would know about it?
    Anyway, I just might interview you someday as you are one of the best publicists for this blog. But then again why would I want to interview my own publicist.
    Always great to hear from you, MJ!
