Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wacky Jon Strikes Again!

Here's the latest pick-your-pockets scheme from Joisey's wacky Governor Jon Corzine: The former Wizard of Wall Street actually wants to eliminate our real estate tax deduction on our state income tax. In other words, he wants to prevent us from deducting our outrageous local property tax when we file our state income tax forms.
Here's what Senator Jennifer Beck, (R- Monmouth, Mercer) has to say about this idea:
“Governor Corzine’s proposal to eliminate the property tax deduction from state income taxes is offensive. This is nothing more than a thinly disguised income tax hike on every homeowner in New Jersey who is not a senior citizen.
“This tax hike is the capstone of seven years of relentless Democrat tax and fee increases on the people of New Jersey. These increases have crippled our State and ruined our economy. As in the past, we will work to identify common-sense budget savings over the next several months.
“Governor Corzine says he is protecting vulnerable middle-class tax payers, but this is simply not true. Middle class families will be hit by not only the elimination of the property tax deduction and rebate checks, but with skyrocketing property taxes as State Aid to municipalities is decreased.”

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