Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who Was That PR Guy?

Did you see that front page USA Today story by Susan Page out of Exton, PA yesterday that detailed the economic slide in human terms and quoted Pennsylvania State Senator Andy Dinniman?
Here's what Senator Dinniman had to say: "The current recession hits everyone and spares no one. The bottom line is: industrial worker, professional worker — we're all in this together."
Dinniman's comments are well taken and knowledgeable.
In fact, this marks the second time of late that the fine Senator has been quoted in USA Today.
Well, Dinniman is not just an accomplished public servant but also a professor of global studies at West Chester University. He knows what he's talking about and he certainly seems to deserve the attention.
Still, you may be wondering: Who does Senator Dinniman's PR, anyway? Who's his Communications Director?
Now, allow me to proudly whisper the answer (but don't tell a soul!)
The guy's name is Adam Cirucci!

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