Thursday, April 9, 2009

Airborne Easter Egg Hunt

From Flash News:
The Easter Bunny is delivering goodies from high above the skies of North Carolina.
High Rock Community Church in North Carolina is celebrating Easter (Apr. 12) with a Helicopter Easter Egg drop this Saturday (Apr. 11). The church is unloading 10,000 eggs filled with candy, toys, and huge prizes, like an Xbox 360 voucher, $200 grocery store gift cards, and even a deed to a big flatscreen TV in Salisbury and Denton, North Carolina.
However, the drop is meant for kids and spokesperson Doug Duggins says greedy grown-ups better keep their paws off the eggs.
He says, “I hope adults have better sense than to try and collect eggs for themselves.”
Duggins suggests that kids hoping to collect a big prize go on a grab spree and snatch as many eggs as they can to improve their odds, since the ones with the major prizes aren’t identifiable in any way.
Though he expects the older kids to “get kind of crazy,” Duggins is sure no one will get hurt in the “spEGGtacular” craze.

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