Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Alcoholics Spawn Twitter Addicts?

From Flash News:
If you’re addicted to Twitter, you may want to check your family’s history of alcoholism.
According to addiction expert Doug Thorburn, people who are addicted to Twitter – the social network that lets you post instant status updates 24/7 – may be the children of alcoholics. Thorburn says addictions to drugs or booze often fuel other compulsions to things like gambling, sex, and the Internet, and excessive Twitter use may just be a “child’s reaction to years of psychological abuse at the hands of an addict.”
The bizarre overuse of the online tool and the fact that it’s taken over every minute of users’ lives are signs of a compulsion. Those who are addicted will begin to form a co-dependency to following celebrities and their friends on Twitter and they’ll feel anxious or nervous when they can’t check their profiles.
However, there’s a way out. Thorburn suggests “Twitter compulsives” attend a 12- step program and accept that they’re “powerless” against their vice.

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