Thursday, April 30, 2009

Barbara's Abundant Riches

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Barbara and George H.W. Bush were surrounded by 13 younger members of their extended family at the Celebration of Reading.

From Shelby Hodge of the Houston Chronicle:

Those close to former first lady Barbara Bush say that the formidable matriarch never sheds tears -- at least not that anyone has seen. She leaves the emotional stuff up to former President George H.W. Bush, known (and even admired) for his three-hanky moments. That all changed last week.
It was the 15th annual Celebration of Reading, held at Hobby Center for the Performing Arts. The evening honored her literacy efforts that began in earnest 20 years ago with formation of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy.
The whopping surprise that cracked the Silver Fox's tough facade came at the end of the fundraiser ($1.85 million) when 13 grandchildren from her extended family appeared on stage to give tribute to her literacy efforts. "Ganny" lost it in the most gentrified way -- tears quietly streaming down her cheeks. Friends and family were astonished.
It was, she told pals later, one of the happiest moments of her life. And certainly the best Celebration of Reading ever.

Barbara Bush deserves every happiness life has to offer. She is a grand lady who has given so much to family, faith and country.
Love lies at the core of her abundant riches: Her love of life, of people, of good causes and, above all, her love of family.
Justly, that love now comes back to her.
She is rich, indeed - rich in a way that knows no price tag. That is what true riches is all about.

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