Thursday, April 2, 2009

Biden Goofs Again

"Regular" Joe's been at it again.
This time he's crediting the Obama stimulus program for projects that have already been funded by the Bush Administration.
Mark Johnson of McClatchey Newspapers reports that Vice President Joe Biden brought a clear message to [Pikeville] North Carolina Wednesday: The federal recovery money isn't just for big banks and auto companies.
Biden said Pikeville would get money for a new fire station.
But here's the real story:
State Sen. David Rouzer, a Republican who represents Pikeville and worked in the Agriculture Department under President Bush, said he helped secure the fire department money last year out of the federal agency's regular programs.
"They're coming in and cherry picking the best projects and switching out the money, saying it's stimulus money," Rouzer said. "But it was already approved and in the pipeline. It's totally disingenuous to come down here and say this is stimulus money, when regardless of whether a stimulus bill passed, they were getting the money."

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