Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bunny Has Two Noses

From AOL News and the Associated Press:
Are two noses better than one for sniffing out carrots?
A double-nosed bunny was part of a delivery of 6-week-old dwarf rabbits that arrived last week at Purr-Fect Pets in Milford, Conn. Each nose has two nostrils.
The store owner said Tuesday he's never seen anything like it in 25 years in the business. He says the little rabbit eats, drinks and hops around like the rest of the litter. Beardsley Zoo director Gregg Dancho said the extra nose could be the result of too much inbreeding or the parents' exposure to pesticides or poisons.
Store workers have begun a naming contest, with Cyrano de Bergerac and Deuce among the contenders so far.

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