Monday, April 6, 2009

Did Aliens Resurrect Jesus?

From Flash News:
Jesus' resurrection wasn’t all his own doing – extra- terrestrials helped in the Easter miracle too.
According to UFO researcher David Twichell, author of The UFO-Jesus Connection (Infinity Publishing), E.T.s “had a hand in Jesus’ birth, life, and resurrection.”

He believes the “light in the sky” present during Jesus’ resurrection in the Bible was actually a UFO driven by beings that “reanimated” the Savior's body so he could resurrect.

He calls the Bible “one of the best UFO books” and says there are many examples of alien encounters within its pages.

He suspects the Star of Bethlehem was actually a brightly lit UFO carrying “physical beings” sent to spread the spiritual message of God, and that biblical “angels” were perhaps just extra-terrestrials who descended from the sky.

Twichell says sightings and events documented in the Bible are incredibly similar to modern-day UFO encounters.

For instance, during Jesus’ baptism he was “taken up” by something – similar to what today’s abductees often experience.


  1. Well imagine that! And I was under the impression that the old story of Jesus coming out of the cave, seeing his shadow, then going back inside because there was going to be six more weeks of winter, was the true story.

  2. And I remain under the same impression, MJ!
