Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dolan Captivates Archdiocese

"His Church continues to embrace and protect the dignity of every human person, the sanctity of human life, from the tiny baby in the womb to the last moment of natural passing into eternal life. As the Servant of God Terrence Cardinal Cooke wrote, "Human life is no less sacred or worthy of respect because it is tiny, pre-born, poor, sick, fragile, or handicapped." Yes, the Church is a loving mother who has a zest for life and serves life everywhere, but she can become a protective "mamma bear" when the life of her innocent, helpless cubs is threatened."
--Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, Archdiocese of New York
Upon viewing Archbishop Dolan's homily delivered at St. Patrick's Cathedral at his Installation Mass as the new Archbishop of New York, I was struck by the remarkable persuasive power of this man.
He is an open, passionate, plain-speaking shepherd of his flock.
He comes across as a remarkably direct, caring and accessible leader.
He is a powerful speaker but he rejects formal oratory and instead embraces a human, engaging, conversational approach.
The result is absolutely exuberant.
Go here and read his homily or, better yet, watch it on EWTN.
I have a very good feeling about Archbishop Dolan.
I pray that my instincts about him are correct - that his heart is strong and loving; that his soul is good and decent; that his faith solid, spirited, fervent.
He will need all of that - and more.
But it's quite possible that Archbishop Dolan could be just the right spiritual leader at just the right time. Pray for him!

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