Monday, April 6, 2009

E-Bay Sells Alien Bodies?

From Flash News:
If you’re in the market for a dead alien or haunted Pringles can, eBay is the place to browse.
The bidding website is a hotbed for strange auctions, and avid eBayer Marc Eberhart chronicles the best bizarre buys on

Eberhart says the weirdest auction he’s ever seen on eBay came from a man in Florida who claimed to be selling “dead alien bodies” he found on the beach.

Another seller put up a strange auction for a “haunted Pringles can” that allegedly brought bad luck, “especially in the midsection.”

Other wacky buys include a “real live ghost trapped in a tube,” a pretzel shaped like the Virgin Mary, and a wall clock with a picture of an electric chair and the phrase “Time To Fry.”

Though Eberhart isn’t a terribly impulsive eBay buyer, he did once bid on a “mystery auction” for a box supposedly filled with “random amounts of money.”

However, eBay shut down the auction to avoid fraud and he never got his goods.

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