Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter: Prepare To Rejoice!

Entombment of Christ, Caravaggio (1602-03)
The Vatican Museums

A message from
Over the past few weeks, we have e-mailed you about a number of worrisome happenings. The conscience rights of medical professionals are under attack. Our government is using our taxes to fund abortion overseas, and maybe soon, here at home. The purposeful destruction of millions of human embryos has been authorized in the name of science. In the last 10 days, two more states have made a mockery of traditional marriage. And a premier Catholic university is honoring an unabashed champion of the culture of death. What could possibly be next? I sometimes wonder if the world is spinning faster and faster, and in the wrong direction.
So how could we be joyful in this time of uncertainty and darkness? In his letter to the Philippians, Saint Paul seems to be speaking directly to us when he writes: “The Lord is near. There is no need to worry” (4:5-6). This is the same Saint Paul that was beaten repeatedly, stoned, shipwrecked, sleep deprived, and starved. And yet he said: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: Rejoice!”
Our hope is that one of the distinctive characteristics of is our joy. Without saying it explicitly all the time, our aim is to “rejoice” in everything we do. And inspire others, especially people searching for answers, to do the same. We are called to be people of hope. Instead of thinking about how dark our world has become, what if we considered what a privilege it is to live at this time in history – and creatively tell the world why.
The late Father Richard Neuhaus once wrote: “We have not the right and we have not the reason to despair if we understand that our entire struggle is premised not upon a victory to be achieved, but a victory that has been achieved...far from despair, we have a right and reason to rejoice that we are called to such a time as this, a time of testing, a time of truth.”
Amen!Unlike the first Christians who witnessed the death of Jesus, we know what comes after Good Friday. Pardon the spoiler, but we have read the book! God wins.
And so our Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter message to you this year is simple: Rejoice. Always.

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