Monday, April 27, 2009

Expert: Hide Hotness Online

From Flash News:
A sexy picture may be worth a thousand hits on Internet dating sites, but that’s not a good thing.

Online daters may think putting a sultry, scantily clad snapshot of themselves may be a good idea, but Internet dating analyst and consultant Mark Brooks recommends posting a more plain Jane picture instead.

According to Brooks, if you happen to be super hot, it’s not the best thing to put up a sexy photo of yourself. You may get thousands of responses and won’t have time to get through them, and you might miss out on a very nice person.

Brooks advises hotties to not post a picture at all and only send an image to someone who gets in touch based on common interests. Then, when they see the hot pic it will be a pleasant surprise.

Those not as fortunate in the looks department should send an “honest” headshot and full body shot because, as Brooks puts it, “You don’t want to see the look of disappointment on their face when they see what you really look like.”

1 comment:

  1. OR how about calling a couple of friends and grabbing a drink at a place that just do happens to have real-live people walking about, just to take the ambiguity out of the equation.
    If it works for me, it's got to work for everyone else. And really, what beats a summer night out with friends?
