Thursday, April 2, 2009

Golfish Bowls Deemed Abusive

From FlashNews:
Talk about a tempest in a teapot: The next battlefront for animal rights activists is the goldfish bowl.
Earlier this week, Scottish officials launched a study on whether goldfish suffer when they’re kept in small bowls rather than fish tanks, which have filters and oxygenating systems.
Buck Wolf of’s Weird News Central has been following international investigations into goldfish abuse, and confirms that it’s a concern that’s bubbling up all over.
He says, “Rome has already banned goldfish bowls in pet stores, and several European countries have considered doing likewise. I don’t think you’ll see this measure taken in Japan, however, considering that the Japanese still allow whaling and eat so much sushi.”
The U.S. still allows goldfish bowls, but Wolf says that might change.
He notes, “How many times have you heard of someone winning a goldfish at a carnival? They take it home, and two days later it’s dead. Clearly, something is very, very wrong.”

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