Sunday, April 19, 2009

Laura: Favorite First Lady!

Laura Bush is your favorite living First Lady.
That's what you told us in our poll that attracted more votes than any poll we've done to date.
Laura Bush was the winner by far over her closest competitor, America's current First Lady.
In fact, Laura Bush and Barbara Bush both proved to be enormously popular. Laura and Barbara combined, attracted more than half of all votes - 53%.
We asked: Who is your favorite living First Lady?
Here are the results:
Laura Bush: 40%
Michelle Obama: 22%
Barbara Bush: 13%
Hillary Clinton: 9%
Nancy Reagan: 8%
Rosalynn Carter: 4%
Betty Ford: 1%
Republican First Ladies (combined): 62%
Democrat First Ladies (combined): 35%
Note: because percentages are rounded off the total does not quite equal 100%.

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