Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lauren's Legacy Lives On

And so we come to one of the sweetest, most love-filled stories we've ever had the pleasure to report. It's the story of the Lauren Rose Albert Foundation and its annual effort to deliver thousands of baskets of personal care cheer to needy moms in the area. These baskets are presented by children on Mother's Day - often to mom's who are living in shelters or homes for battered women.

Susan Rose with a completed "Mothers Matter" basket.

The ribbon cutting that opened the basket center.

The program is called Mothers Matter. How does it work?
Schools, businesses, organizations and individuals hold collection drives. Participants receive a list of permissible items for collection, Mothers Matter collection bins and any other required support materials. Mothers Matter volunteers coordinate school and business collections and pick up items from participants. Collections are brought to central locations where volunteers help assemble and decorate baskets and then deliver them; or baskets are assembled at Mothers Matter school locations. Manufacturers and retailers also donate items for this project. This year the folks at Dollar Tree stores proved to be particularly generous.
Baskets are delivered to women’s shelters, day care centers, children’s pediatric hospital wards and day care facilities, women’s agencies and residential facilities, Ronald McDonald House, Robins Nest, Cooper House, Samaritan Hospice, Matriark House, Providence House and to special moms within participating Mothers Matter school communities or businesses.
Last year more than 2,000 baskets were delivered.
Since the project began in 2001 more than 10,000 baskets have been distributed.
Since its inception in 2000, the Lauren Rose Albert Foundation has focused on helping women in areas of need in which there is no government or agency assistance; providing programs that fill women’s unmet needs. Susan Rose is the driving force behind the Foundation that she founded in memory of her daughter, Lauren Rose Albert.
This year baskets are being are currently being assembled at the Grenloch Community Center on Hurfville-Grenloch Road in Washington Township.
If you'd like to get involved in this effort click here for more information.

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