Monday, April 27, 2009

Pick Best First Lady!

We're asking you to choose the best First Lady from history.
It's easy to vote in the poll. But you've only got a few more days to vote!
Simply make your selection at the top right corner of this blog.
But remember - you can only vote for one First Lady.
Maybe you like Eleanor Roosevelt, the woman who many felt was the First Lady of the World.
Or maybe feisty Dolley Madison strikes you as the best.
Then there's Abigail Adams or the very first First Lady, Martha Washington.
Perhaps you're a fan of Mary Todd Lincoln.
And lets not forget Edith Wilson who reportedly ran the country while her husband was ill.
Or maybe you want to pick a more recent First Lady such as Mamie Eisenhower, Lady Bird Johnson or Jacqueline Kennedy.
No mater which First Lady you pick, we want you to vote.
Make your choice now!

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