Monday, April 13, 2009

Poll: Christie Leads Corzine

From Politicker NJ:

“Former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie maintains his lead against Gov. Corzine in an FDU PublicMind poll released this morning.

Christie leads Corzine in a head-to-head general election match up by nine points, 42% to 33% -- almost the exact same margin of an FDU poll released a month ago.

The Governor’s approval rating is at 40%, while 49% of respondents disapproving, while his favorability rating is even lower. Thirty-three percent have a favorable opinion and 56% have an unfavorable opinion. Christie’s name recognition now stands at 62% -- 5% more than a month ago – and he is viewed favorably by 31% and unfavorably by 12%.

Republican respondents preferred Christie over Lonegan in the primary by 22 points – 43% to 21%... Assemblyman Rick Merkt (R-Mendham) each get 2%.

Corzine’s support among Democrats is soft. Just 58% back him, while Christie is supported by 78% of Republicans.”

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