Monday, April 13, 2009

Restaurant Promises Heart Attack

From Flash News:
One bizarre, greasy burger joint is making hearts skip a beat.

Though most people don’t go around looking to have a triple bypass, the hospital-themed Heart-Attack Grill in Chandler, Arizona, is doing their darndest to give customers a cardiac arrest with their humongous, fat-filled burgers.

The burger joint serves up heart-stopping, super-sized American standards, like double, triple, and quadruple Bypass Burgers which hold up to two pounds of beef and 8,000 calories and are served up with lard-soaked “Flatliner Fries.”

If that’s not enough artery-clogging cuisine, the restaurant also serves its “patients” non-filtered cigarettes, hard liquor, and beer.

The patients who’ve been able to devour their entire meals get a wheelchair ride to their car from a sexy nurse.

The owner, who goes by Dr. Jon, says that by being “the villain” in the fight against heart disease he’ll bring more attention to the cause, though he still advocates “eating, drinking, and smoking yourself to better health.”

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