Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ridge For Senate?

Many people now believe that the National Republican Committee and the National Republican Senate Campaign Committee will push for Tom Ridge to make a run for Specter's Senate seat next year.
The theory among many mainstream GOP operatives is that Toomey can't win the general while Ridge can.
Ridge remains enormously popular in Pennsylvania.
No doubt about this: he's got gravitas.
He's immensely likable and free of major enemies. He knows the state and its people. He's a man of his word and Pennsylvanians know where he stands. He was an outstanding Governor.
And, there is little doubt that Ridge can command broad support.
Pennsylvania Republicans -- all Republicans -- deserve the best.
And right now that means keeping all options open.

1 comment:

  1. I like it. In fact, I like it much more than I like Toomey.
