Sunday, April 12, 2009

Seals Made Quick Decision

From Ace of Spades (via a Pentagon news conference):
It was not a planned assault. What they are saying is that there was an imminent danger to Captain Philips and the on scene commander (I think that's the commander of USS Bainbridge) gave the order to take the pirates down. Apparently there was an AK pointed at Philips and the commander authorized snipers to take their shots. It was a split section decision.

They had standing authority from the President to take action in the case of an imminent threat to the hostage's life.
The SEAL snipers were on Bainbridge about 20 meters or so from the life boat and sea conditions were 'deteriorating'. It sounded like Bainbridge had the life boat under tow at the time.
I'm guessing the early reports of a 'fire fight' were somewhat over stated. It seems 3 shots, 3 ex-pirates is more like the case.
As for Obama's role in this, it seems it was neither heroic nor stupid. This is as it should be. He seems to have given his approval to the military's requests for authority and then let them do their thing. He did his job, that's enough for now.
Right now the praise belongs to Capt. Phillips, some kick ass SEAL snipers, CDR Castellano, the men and women of USS Bainbridge and the rest of the military and FBI that provided support on this mission.

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