Friday, April 24, 2009

Sebelius Nomination Snagged?

From Kate Phillips at the New York Times:
The Senate confirmation of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, — who would be the final member to join the Obama Cabinet, as secretary of Health and Human Services — hit more snags on Thursday because of Republican opposition. It’s increasingly likely that her nomination will face a procedural hurdle requiring 60 votes, before final approval, at the earliest next week. The Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, tried unsuccessfully to get unanimous consent to confirm Ms. Sebelius. But after a 15-8 vote out of the Senate Finance Committee earlier this week, it had already been pretty clear that a smooth path to confirmation wasn’t likely.
Yes, we're almost at the 100 day mark.
And yes, Obama still can't seem to find nominees who can actually be confirmed.

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