Friday, April 3, 2009

St. Joe Apes Notre Dame

From Chris Friend at The Bulletin of Philadelphia:
Ignoring the controversy surrounding Notre Dame's honoring of pro-abortion Barack Obama as its commencement speaker, Saint Joseph's University has followed suit.
It will grant an honorary degree to broadcast journalist Chris Matthews at the university's 2009 commencement ceremonies.
Despite Mr. Matthew's Catholic education, having graduated from the College of the Holy Cross, he is widely regarded as a strong supporter of abortion rights, and was unabashed in his admiration of Mr. Obama's positions.
Support for abortion is antithetical to the Church's teachings.The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops opposes the practice of hosting speakers who are outspoken against Catholic doctrine.
"The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles," said the bishop's conference in a statement. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions."

Calls to Saint Joseph's President Fr. Timothy Lannon went unreturned.
This move by St. Joe is a disgrace.
BTW: The commencement will also feature remarks by radical leftist Cornel West who will also receive an honorary degree.
And there's more:
I look forward to meeting these exemplary honorary degree recipients and welcoming them to our tremendous University community,” said University President Timothy R. Lannon, S.J.
Here's how you can make your voice heard:
Call the St. Joe communications office at 610-660-1385 or contact senior communications director Kelly Welsh at
Also, contact University President Timothy R. Lannon, S.J. by calling 610-660-1000.
You can reach the office of University Communications at, through their website, or by telephone at 610-660-1221.

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