Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Parties: Five Reasons

From Lorie Byrd at Town Hall:
Today, thousands of people are expected in all 50 states to join together for over 500 “tea party” protests. Those attending the tea parties will be standing in opposition to rising taxes, more government control over private enterprise and less individual liberty. If you agree with any of the following, you might want to join the party on April 15 to let your voice be heard.
1.You don’t mind paying reasonable taxes, but you don’t believe your wealth should be “spread around” in the manner Congress and the President are proposing. 2. You believed Democrats when they spent the past eight years criticizing President Bush for deficit spending, and you are upset that in just over three months President Obama, along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, have tripled the deficit.
3. You believe the “Stimulus” bill contained too much pork and not enough stimulus. You believed candidate Obama when he promised to reduce earmarks and reform the earmark process, then were outraged when he signed a bill containing thousands of earmarks.
4. You oppose the current bailout mentality and oppose the bailouts, both past and future. You not only fear the amount of debt funding the bailouts adds to your children and grandchildren, but fear the exercise of control the government is exerting over those it “bails out.”
5. You believe businesses should not be under attack by the United States government, especially during a tough economy and you oppose increased government control of the private sector.

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