Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Withold $$$ From 'Notre Shame'

From Dan Gilgoff at US News & World Report:
A group of Notre Dame alumni angry over the university's decision to feature President Obama as this year's commencement speaker is set to launch an online effort urging the school's financial backers to withhold donations until the university president is ousted. The group's website calls for current university president Rev. John Jenkins be replaced with "someone who will uphold fundamental Catholic moral principles."
The group launched its website,, yesterday and plans to begin promoting it with a press release tomorrow morning. "We feel strongly that the University should not honor President Barack Obama given his well known commitment to abortion in the broadest possible context," the website says. "Although we love Notre Dame, our conscience requires that we withhold all financial support from our University until such time as Father Jenkins is replaced as Notre Dame's President with someone who will be more loyal to the teaching of the Catholic Church."
The effort is being led by a coalition of seven university alumni and financial backers, mostly based in Michigan. "When the Obama invitation happened, some of us said we have to draw a line in the sand," says David DiFranco, a Notre Dame alum who is helping lead the campaign and who notes that conservative Catholics have been alarmed by some of Jenkins earlier decisions. "We don't feel justified in sending our dollars to the university and thought if we can quantify this effort we may raise some eyebrows."
The website asks Notre Dame boosters to sign a petition and state "the amount you will withhold from Notre Dame's General Fund." DiFranco, the CEO of a travel company based near Detroit, declined to give a goal for the amount of withheld donations. But he said he hopes the figure is large enough to publicize before Obama's May 17 graduation address.
The site asks petition signers to supply their contact information to help verify the legitimacy of large donations being withheld. It also advises donors to send donations to two campus antiabortion groups. Organizers say they currently have several dozen donors involved.

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