Monday, April 27, 2009

World's Ugliest Couch

From Flash News:
If you think you’ve got an ugly couch, you could become the world’s next sleazy sofa superstar.

The manufacturer of a spray paint designed to refresh worn-out couches is holding a contest to find the world’s ugliest couch.

So far, the entries include a brown-striped couch with a cushion ripped open so wide that a cat fell into it. It’s so bad the owners say they would rather stand than sit on it.

Then there’s a guy from Atlanta who describes his couch as a “...rancid piece of chrome and polyester that looks like it was found on the back set of That 70’s Show.”

One couple submitted their ripped and dilapidated floral-print sofa that’s so bad the owner says his mother will only sit on the right side of the couch while watching TV.

David Reizian, creator of the special fabric paint called Simply Spray, says today’s economy is forcing people to come up with cost-effective ways to spruce up their home and spray painting ugly upholstery can give a couch a new look.

You can enter your own sickening sofa at and the winner of the world’s ugliest couch will be announced in September.

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