Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chanticleer Gardens Ans Wayne

The weeked has been exceptionallybusy for us thus far.
We began with a trip to nearby Chanticleer Gardens on the Main Line.
Chanticleer was the estate of Christine and Adolph Rosengarten, Sr.
Mr. Rosengarten was head of the pharmaceutical company Rosengarten and Sons. Their son Adolph, Jr., left the property to be enjoyed as a public garden. The garden opened to visitors in 1993.
Originally, the estate was known for its majestic trees and verdant lawns. Today, the trees and lawns remain, but the focus is on plant combinations, containers, textures, and colors, often relying on foliage more than flowers.
Tens of thousands of bulbs clothe the ground in spring, followed by orchards of flowering trees with native wildflowers blooming in the woods. A vegetable garden complements a cut-flower garden. Courtyards are a framework for unusual combinations of hardy and tropical plants. Vines grow in nooks and crannies, trailing and twining.
Chanticleer is indeed a pleasure garden, offering an escape from the rush of every day life and a place where one can feel like a personal guest of the Rosengarten family.
Time spent at Chantcleer will reawaken your senses and stimulate your mind.
This place is one of the great tresures of the Philadelphia region!
After we left Chanticleer we walked throuh the business district of Wayne near Villanova.
There are many fine stores - both well-known chains and independently-owned businesses. The local movie theater still operates and you can find trendy boutiques as well as more pratical and utilitarian shops. There are also quite a few restaurants o chose from in every price range.
Wayne retains a charming village atmosphere that is fun and friendly.

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